can be Internet facing or Internal load balancer so let us have a quick look on both of this types.
Internet facing:
Internet facing:
- ELB nodes will have public IP address.
- DNS will resolve the ELB DNS name to these IP address.
- It routes traffic to the private IP address of your registered EC2 instances.
- Hence EC2 instance do not need to have public IP address.
- You need on “Public” subnet in each AZ where the internet facing ELB will be defined, such that the ELB will be able to route internet traffic.
- Define this subnet in the ELB configuration.
Internal load balancer:
- ELB nodes will have Private IP address to which the DNS resolves ELB DNS name.
- It routes traffic to the private IP address of your registered EC2 instances.
- Format of the ELB DNS name of internal ELB
- Internal-name-123456789.region.elb.amazonaws.com
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