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Route table is a set of rule which is used to determine or define the network traffic direction. In VPC each subnet must be associated to a route table which control the routing of subnet.
A subnet can be associated with one route table at a time but you can associate multiple subnet with same route table.
Difficult to pick up??? Let’s make it easy with below example
You (Single Employee or resource) are associated to one manager to whom you are reporting but one manager can be associated to multiple employees (Employees or resources).

Some important points to remember:
Ø Every route table has Destination and Target

Ø There are two types of route table 1. Main route table and 2. Custom route table.

1.   Main route table
i.            It can considered as a default route table.
ii.          VPC automatically comes with a main route table.
iii.         It can be modified but not deleted.
iv.        It can also be replaced with the custom route table i.e. we can make custom route table as main and vice versa.
v.          It controls routing of all subnet that are not explicitly associated with any route table.

2.   Custom route table
i.            It can be modified and deleted if subnet is not associated with it.
ii.          It can be made main route table.

Ø Each subnet must be associated with a route table. We can explicitly specify custom route table but if we don’t than subnet associated itself to VPC’s main route table.

Ø There are three types of subnets (i. Public subnet, ii. Private subnet and iii. VPN-only subnet) in AWS whose traffic is controlled by route table

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